kushiriki kwenye

Top Youtube Comedy video

cheoSehemumaoni Sehemuanapendazisizopendwajamiikuchapishwa
1 pevecov popek poje na sexy backpevecov popek poje na sexy back 37,460,296 4,533 10,949 Comedy 2007
2 Jim Carrey THE FUNNIEST videoJim Carrey THE FUNNIEST video 8,322,488 6,216 11,521 Comedy 2007
3 Wedding first dance w/ surprise Jack Johnson Michael JacksonWedding first dance w/ surprise Jack Johnson Michael Jackson 16,485,606 15,813 1,360 Comedy 2007
4 Big nipplesBig nipples 13,591,249 1,951 1,628 Comedy 2006
5 Dog scared by fartDog scared by fart 5,938,416 3,883 129 Comedy 2015
6 НЕ ПОВЕЗЛО - UNLUCKYНЕ ПОВЕЗЛО - UNLUCKY 14,921,437 3,604 1,225 Comedy 2009
7 Tra Tra TraTra Tra Tra 2,663,550 734 212 Comedy 2007
8 The ultimate seduction: Funny & bizarre slideshowThe ultimate seduction: Funny & bizarre slideshow 81,744,457 Comedy 2008
9 Barack Obama Hillary Clinton - UmbrellaBarack Obama Hillary Clinton - Umbrella 148,996,976 36,190 20,698 Comedy 2008
10 CRASH-405CRASH-405 2,714,140 376 1,665 Comedy 2006
11 Fo fo fo fo fristajlo!Fo fo fo fo fristajlo! 2,894,700 6,108 152 Comedy 2007
12 Cats Welcoming Home Soldiers (parody video)Cats Welcoming Home Soldiers (parody video) 2,126,930 1,984 259 Comedy 2014
13 Miss Carolina - se le salio!Miss Carolina - se le salio! 37,787,055 3,476 10,810 Comedy 2009
14 Remember the 80's ?Remember the 80's ? 3,293,594 1,481 89 Comedy 2006
15 "Drake" on the Tube..."Drake" on the Tube... 2,683,856 7,414 457 Comedy 2012

Top Youtube video - undani stats

cheoSehemumaoni sehemu/mwakaanapenda/mwakazisizopendwa/mwaka
1 pevecov popek poje na sexy backpevecov popek poje na sexy back 2,203,546 266 644
2 Jim Carrey THE FUNNIEST videoJim Carrey THE FUNNIEST video 489,558 365 677
3 Wedding first dance w/ surprise Jack Johnson Michael JacksonWedding first dance w/ surprise Jack Johnson Michael Jackson 969,741 930 80
4 Big nipplesBig nipples 755,069 108 90
5 Dog scared by fartDog scared by fart 659,824 431 14
7 Tra Tra TraTra Tra Tra 156,679 43 12
8 The ultimate seduction: Funny & bizarre slideshowThe ultimate seduction: Funny & bizarre slideshow 5,109,028 0 0
9 Barack Obama Hillary Clinton - UmbrellaBarack Obama Hillary Clinton - Umbrella 9,312,311 2,261 1,293
10 CRASH-405CRASH-405 150,785 20 92
11 Fo fo fo fo fristajlo!Fo fo fo fo fristajlo! 170,276 359 8
12 Cats Welcoming Home Soldiers (parody video)Cats Welcoming Home Soldiers (parody video) 212,693 198 25
13 Miss Carolina - se le salio!Miss Carolina - se le salio! 2,519,137 231 720
14 Remember the 80's ?Remember the 80's ? 182,977 82 4
15 "Drake" on the Tube..."Drake" on the Tube... 223,654 617 38